Do processes share the read-only sections of common dynamically loaded libraries?
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Do processes share the read-only sections of common dynamically loaded libraries?

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When it comes to understanding how dynamically loaded libraries work in computer systems, one question that often arises is whether processes share the read-only sections of common dynamically loaded libraries. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of dynamic linking and explore the answer to this question, taking a closer look at the implications and benefits of shared library sections.

What are dynamically loaded libraries?

Dynamically loaded libraries, also known as shared libraries, are pre-compiled code libraries that can be linked to a program at runtime. These libraries contain functions and variables that can be used by multiple programs, reducing the amount of code that needs to be written and maintained. Dynamically loaded libraries are loaded into memory only when they’re needed, which helps to conserve system resources.

How do dynamically loaded libraries work?

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how dynamically loaded libraries work:

  1. A program is compiled and linked with a dynamically loaded library.
  2. When the program is executed, the operating system loads the dynamically loaded library into memory.
  3. The program uses the functions and variables provided by the dynamically loaded library.

What are read-only sections of dynamically loaded libraries?

Read-only sections of dynamically loaded libraries refer to the parts of the library that contain code and data that don’t change during program execution. These sections are typically marked as read-only to prevent accidental modifications and ensure the integrity of the library.

Examples of read-only sections in dynamically loaded libraries include:

  • Code sections (e.g., .text): contain the library’s executable code.
  • Read-only data sections (e.g., .rodata): contain constants and other read-only data used by the library.

Do processes share the read-only sections of common dynamically loaded libraries?

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter! Yes, processes do share the read-only sections of common dynamically loaded libraries. This is because the operating system loads the read-only sections of the library into memory only once, and multiple processes can access these shared sections without having to load the entire library into memory multiple times.

This sharing of read-only sections has several benefits:

  • Memory conservation**: By sharing the read-only sections, multiple processes can access the same library without consuming additional memory.
  • Faster program startup**: Since the read-only sections are already loaded into memory, programs can start executing faster.
  • Improved system performance**: With fewer memory pages allocated for the same library, the system can allocate resources more efficiently.

How does the operating system implement shared library sections?

The operating system uses a combination of techniques to implement shared library sections:

  • Memory mapping**: The operating system maps the read-only sections of the library into memory, making them accessible to multiple processes.
  • Virtual memory**: The operating system uses virtual memory to create the illusion of separate memory spaces for each process, while still sharing the read-only sections.
  • Page tables**: The operating system maintains page tables to keep track of which processes are accessing the shared library sections.

Example: Shared library sections in Linux

Let’s take a look at how Linux implements shared library sections:

$ cat /proc/<pid>/maps
55410000-55420000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 123456    /lib/

In this example, the maps file in the /proc directory shows the memory map of a process. The line starting with 55410000-55420000 indicates that the process is using the library, which is mapped into memory as a read-only executable section (r-xp). This section is shared by multiple processes.


In conclusion, processes do share the read-only sections of common dynamically loaded libraries. This sharing of library sections is made possible by the operating system’s use of memory mapping, virtual memory, and page tables. By understanding how shared library sections work, developers can write more efficient and resource-conscious code, taking advantage of the benefits that shared libraries provide.

Benefits of shared library sections Description
Memory conservation Multiple processes can access the same library without consuming additional memory.
Faster program startup Since the read-only sections are already loaded into memory, programs can start executing faster.
Improved system performance With fewer memory pages allocated for the same library, the system can allocate resources more efficiently.

By leveraging the power of shared library sections, developers can create more efficient, scalable, and maintainable software systems.

  1. IBM Knowledge Center: Memory access and protection
  2. Linux Journal: How Shared Libraries Work
  3. Wikipedia: Dynamic linker


This article has provided a comprehensive overview of shared library sections and how they’re implemented in operating systems. By understanding the inner workings of dynamically loaded libraries, developers can write more efficient and effective code, taking advantage of the benefits that shared libraries provide.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of dynamically loaded libraries and process memory sharing!

Do processes share the read-only sections of common dynamically loaded libraries?

Yes, processes do share the read-only sections of common dynamically loaded libraries. This is because the operating system loads the library into memory only once, and then maps it into the address space of each process that uses it. Since the read-only sections are, well, read-only, there’s no need for each process to have its own copy, and the OS can safely share the same memory pages across processes.

Why is it possible to share read-only sections but not read-write sections?

Read-only sections are shared because they’re, by definition, unchanging. Since multiple processes can’t modify the same read-only data, the OS can safely share the same memory pages. On the other hand, read-write sections are specific to each process, as each process may modify them differently. If the OS were to share read-write sections, it would lead to data corruption and unpredictable behavior.

What are the benefits of sharing read-only sections of dynamically loaded libraries?

Sharing read-only sections reduces memory usage, as multiple processes can share the same memory pages. This leads to better system performance, as less memory is used and more is available for other tasks. Additionally, sharing read-only sections improves startup times, as the OS doesn’t need to load the same library multiple times.

Can two processes use different versions of the same dynamically loaded library?

Yes, it is possible for two processes to use different versions of the same dynamically loaded library. In this case, each process would have its own copy of the library in memory, and the OS would not share the read-only sections between them. This can happen, for example, when two processes are built with different versions of a library, or when a process uses a custom version of a library that’s different from the system-wide version.

How does the OS manage memory for shared read-only sections?

The OS uses a technique called “memory mapping” to manage shared read-only sections. When a process requests a dynamically loaded library, the OS maps the corresponding memory pages into the process’s address space. The OS keeps track of which processes are using which libraries and ensures that changes to the read-only sections are not allowed.

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