Echarts Grid Align Data Label with X Axis: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Echarts Grid Align Data Label with X Axis: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with misaligned data labels in your Echarts grid? Do you struggle to get your data labels to perfectly align with the x-axis, leaving your charts looking cluttered and unprofessional? Worry no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of aligning your data labels with the x-axis in Echarts, ensuring a clean and visually appealing chart that effectively communicates your data insights.

Understanding the Importance of Data Label Alignment

Data label alignment is a crucial aspect of chart creation, as it directly impacts the readability and overall aesthetic of your chart. Misaligned data labels can lead to confusion, making it difficult for viewers to understand the relationship between the data points and the x-axis. By aligning your data labels with the x-axis, you can:

  • Improve chart readability and comprehension
  • Enhance the overall visual appeal of your chart
  • Better communicate your data insights and trends

Setting Up Your Echarts Grid

Before diving into the alignment process, let’s set up a basic Echarts grid. Create a new HTML file and add the following code:

<div id="chart"></div>
  var chartDom = document.getElementById('chart');
  var myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);
  var option = {
    title: {
      text: 'Echarts Grid Align Data Label with X Axis'
    tooltip: {},
    legend: {
      data: ['Data Series 1', 'Data Series 2']
    grid: {
      left: '3%',
      right: '4%',
      bottom: '3%',
      containLabel: true
    xAxis: [{
      type: 'category',
      data: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun']
    yAxis: [{
      type: 'value'
    series: [{
      name: 'Data Series 1',
      type: 'line',
      data: [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120]
    }, {
      name: 'Data Series 2',
      type: 'line',
      data: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]

This code creates a basic line chart with two data series and a category-based x-axis.

Aligning Data Labels with the X Axis

Now that we have our chart set up, let’s focus on aligning the data labels with the x-axis. By default, Echarts positions data labels above the data points. To align them with the x-axis, we’ll need to:

  1. Enable the `label.normal.position` property
  2. Set the `label.normal.position` property to `’bottom’`
  3. Adjust the `label.normal.offset` property to fine-tune the label position

Add the following code to your series configuration:

series: [{
  name: 'Data Series 1',
  type: 'line',
  data: [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120],
  label: {
    normal: {
      show: true,
      position: 'bottom',
      offset: [0, -10]
}, {
  name: 'Data Series 2',
  type: 'line',
  data: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60],
  label: {
    normal: {
      show: true,
      position: 'bottom',
      offset: [0, -10]

This code enables the `label.normal.position` property and sets it to `’bottom’`, aligning the data labels with the x-axis. The `label.normal.offset` property is adjusted to `-10` to fine-tune the label position.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter issues with your data label alignment, check the following:

  • Ensure `containLabel` is set to `true` in the grid configuration
  • Verify that the `label.normal.position` property is set to `’bottom’`
  • Adjust the `label.normal.offset` property to fine-tune the label position
  • Check for overlapping labels by adjusting the `label.normal.offset` property or using a different label position

Customizing Data Label Alignment

In some cases, you may want to customize the alignment of individual data labels or create a more complex layout. Echarts provides several options for customizing data label alignment:

Property Description
`label.normal.position` Sets the position of the data label (top, bottom, left, right)
`label.normal.offset` Offsets the data label from its default position
`label.normal.distance` Sets the distance between the data label and the data point
`label.normal.rotate` Rotates the data label (optional)

These properties can be combined to create a custom data label alignment that suits your specific needs.


By following this step-by-step guide, you should now have a beautifully aligned Echarts grid with data labels perfectly positioned along the x-axis. Remember to troubleshoot any common issues that may arise and explore the various customization options available in Echarts. With a well-designed chart, you’ll be able to effectively communicate your data insights and trends, ensuring a better understanding of your data.

Happy charting!

Frequently Asked Question

Echarts grid align data label with x axis got you stumped? Worry not, friend! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

How do I make the data label align with the x-axis in Echarts?

To align the data label with the x-axis in Echarts, you can set the `label.normal.position` property to `’middle’` in the series configuration. This will center the data label vertically, ensuring it’s aligned with the x-axis. For example: `series: [{ label: { normal: { position: ‘middle’ } } }]`. Voilà!

What if I want to adjust the alignment of the data label horizontally?

Easy peasy! To adjust the horizontal alignment of the data label, you can use the `label.normal.align` property. Set it to `’left’` to align the label to the left, `’right’` to align it to the right, or `’center’` to center it. For example: `series: [{ label: { normal: { align: ‘right’ } } }]`. Simplicity itself!

Can I customize the distance between the data label and the x-axis?

You bet! To customize the distance between the data label and the x-axis, you can use the `label.normal.distance` property. Set it to a numerical value to specify the distance in pixels. For example: `series: [{ label: { normal: { distance: 10 } } }]`. Now, you’re in control!

How do I ensure the data label doesn’t overlap with other chart elements?

Clever question! To prevent overlapping, you can set the `label.normal.overflow` property to `’truncate’` or `’ellipsis’`. This will truncate or add an ellipsis to the label when it exceeds the available space. For example: `series: [{ label: { normal: { overflow: ‘ellipsis’ } } }]`. Neat, huh?

Are there any other tips for customizing data labels in Echarts?

Absolutely! You can also customize the data label’s font, color, and rotation using the `label.normal.fontSize`, `label.normal.color`, and `label.normal.rotate` properties, respectively. For example: `series: [{ label: { normal: { fontSize: 12, color: ‘red’, rotate: 45 } } }]`. Now, go wild with your data label customizations!